Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Chocolate Eyes & Miracle Baby

My time in Indiana is flying by… I can’t believe its been almost a month since I last blogged! One of things I felt like God wanted me to do during this season of rest was to take time aside to create. It has been a long time since I have been able to set aside time for that. I quickly realized that I have way too much to do around the house to create while I am there (and the couch in front of the television is soooo comfy!)… I started asking around and talking to fellow artists about the challenges of setting time aside for art in the midst of day jobs, families and other ‘responsibilities’ and ultimately decided to start and art group. We have been given a free space to use in the old Goshen Theater which is also home to my church, Downtown@808. Once a week, we meet for a few hours to create… painters, writers, quilters, and more. Sometimes we talk the whole time and other times (like tonight)… the only sound is the traffic below, my keyboard, and the sound of pins being picked up by Anna as she plots out a blanket she is making with T-shirts aka memories from the past. Earlier, I listened to people from the Hoops in Motion class, running and spinning across the floor in the ballroom above me… creating rythym out of footsteps and snatches of music coming down the staircase.

We call ourselves Creative Community… only time will show us will come of this group of artists. Tonight, I felt a pull to write some of my reflections from the last few days. My thoughts have been wrapped up in contemplating the Father, the original artist, the most amazing creator of all. The creator of life itself.

This weekend was awesome. I worked late on Saturday and it was about 7:30pm by the time I arrived at my friends house. I was greeted outside by Jaquie and Zekie… “Is that your car? How big (old) are you? Are you same big as I am? Why not? Are you same big as Mom? Are you going to be our girlie now? What is your name? Why is your name Ruth?” Both Jaquie and Zekie have chocolate eyes, adorable as all git out. Mama Gloria was inside, holding baby Isabella.

I was amazed this weekend as I got to hold baby Isabella in my arms… Isabella crying in the car unless I gave her my finger to hold onto, Isabella drinking a whole bottle, Isabella smiling! Isabella is a miracle baby.

In December, I was on the phone with Isabella’s mama a lot… especially late at night when anxiety threatened to overwhelm. Gloria’s pregnancy was in danger and the doctors gave very little hope of a good outcome. But God came through and helped Gloria carry Isabella up to 23 weeks! That isn’t very long in a typical pregnancy, I know, but it was part 1 of a miracle. Isabella Raine was a fighter from day 1.

The reason I celebrate Isabella drinking a bottle is because I remember being cautiously excited when at 1 week old, she was able to eat about ¼ teaspoon every 4 hours! She was up and down right around 1 pound for awhile and now she is so healthy! Praise God! Thanks to all of you who prayed for Isabella!

Here are a few pics of then and now…

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